Monday, May 24, 2010

What I've learned from playing 100 holes of golf in one day

1. It's possible.

2. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

3. Repetition does not make for consistency.

4. Playing in 90 degree heat is easier on the body than playing in 20+ mph winds and light rain.

5. I'm really not that good of a golfer.

6. Just about anything can be done to worship God and for His kingdom.

7. Even the best hole can be marred by one errant shot.

8. Still, it's not about the errant shots you hit, but how you recover from them.

9. Don't wear a dark blue shirt to play 100 holes in 90 degree weather with a blazing sun and humidity.

10. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and remember that as annoying as sunscreen can get, you'll be glad you put it on later that night.

It was a great Monday - thanks to all who supported FCA and me by coming out, giving pledges, and taking an interest. I'm also super proud of Ron Frank, who got in 300 holes today. Shake his hand if you see him (if only to verify the amount of blisters he reportedly has on his hands).

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